Citra Jathil dalam Kesenian Reog Obyog Ponorogo
Image, Jathil Obyog, Reog PonorogoAbstract
This article aims to describe the image of Jathil Reog Obyog within Reog Ponorogo dance. This research uses desciptive qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The result shows that people of Ponorogo view Reog Obyog dance as an art that needs to be preserved. It is realized through the frequency of performing Reog dance in various events (celebrations, national holidays, celebrations of Ponorogo anniversary, etc.) In its performance, Jathil Reog Obyog represents positive and negative image. The positive image is a shadow image attached to the members of organization or community who wants to realize it in practice. This positive image is influenced by several factors, such as; (a) the substitution of Jathil dancers from men to women, (b) dynamic and developing dance creations, and (c) meaningfull dance movements. In the other hand, the negative images are influenced by (a) the use of impolite clothing which against the religious norms, (b) involving the erotic movements, (c) the drinking habit of the performers when performing the dance.