Code-Mixing in Disney’s Encanto


  • Ratri Harida STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Hidayatul Lutfia Aziza STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Devi Nur Alif Fitrianingtyas STKIP PGRI Ponorogo


Kata Kunci:

Code-Mixing, Hoffman’s Theory, Disney’s Encanto


Code-mixing in movies is used to reflect human life and modernity in today’s bilingual or multilingual context. By studying the code-mixing in the movie, EFL learners can have better understanding on how language is used in different contexts and how it reflects societal norms and values. This qualitative research used content analysis to find out Hoffman’s code mixing within the dialogue of Disney’s Encanto. The result shows that code-mixing involving a change of pronunciation between Spanish and English occurs more than intra-lexical and intra-sentential code mixing. It happens because there are three characters who used Spanish accent in their dialogues. This study shows how language is used and represented in media. It also shows the media’s inclusion strategy to portray a more authentic and relatable cultures and communities.


