The Use of Scavenger Hunt Game to Promote an English Learning Atmosphere For Young Learners


  • Andri Andri English Education Department, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro,
  • Ima Isnaini Taufiqur Rohmah English Education Department, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro
  • Ayu Fitrianingsih English Education Department, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro



Scavenger Hunt Game, Learning Atmosphere, Young Learners


The learning atmosphere is one aspect that can support success in the learning process. However, to create a good and enjoyable learning atmosphere, teachers must use a technique or strategy that is suitable, one of which is the use of the Scavenger Hunt game. This research aimed to describe the use of a Scavenger Hunt game in promoting the English learning atmosphere which is conducted at MIS Mambaul Islam Soko Tuban. To explain the extent of the Scavenger Hunt game in promoting the English learning atmosphere, the researcher employed a case-study research approach to get more information in detail. The data were collected through the observation and questionnaire. The population of this research was the fifth-grade students of MIS Mambaul Islam Soko Tuban in the academic year 2023/2024 which consisted of 24 students. The result showed that the use of the Scavenger Hunt game was effective in promoting the English learning atmosphere evidenced by the fulfillment of good and positive Atmosphere learning criteria after the implementation of the Scavenger Hunt game.

