Legenda Bathoro Katong dan Reog Ponorogo Sebagai Materi Penguatan Karakter Berkebhinekaan


  • Fitriana Kartika Sari STKIP PGRI Ponorogo




Legend, Reog Ponorogo, Bathoro Katong, Global Diversity, Local Wisdom


This study aims to analyze the values in the Legend of Bathoro Katong and Reog
Ponorogo which have the potential to be used as educational materials to strengthen the character of
global diversity based on local wisdom. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The research
data is in the form of words, sentences, and paragraphs that come from the book Collection of
Ponorogo Folklore published by STKIP PGRI Ponorogo Press. Data collection techniques in this
study are reading, observing, and note-taking techniques. The data validation used is theoretical
triangulation. Data analysis techniques use heuristic and hermeneutic techniques. The results of
the study show that the contents of global diversity character values are found in the Legend of
Bathoro Katong and Reog Ponorogo were: maintaining tradition, tolerance for diversity, and having
many points of view in looking at problems. These values have the potential to become educational
materials to strengthen the character of global diversity based on local wisdom.


2023-07-06 — Updated on 2023-07-06


