Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Novel Lebih Senyap dari Bisikan Karya A. Dwifatma


  • Ahmad Rifa`i STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Lusy Novitasari STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Edy Suprayitno STKIP PGRI Ponorogo



Value, Education Character, Novel


Literary works are sparks writings, or essays from one‘s life experience, either direct experience from the author or observations from the environment in certain situations or conditions. Basically, no literary work is born in a situation. A good literary work is a literary work that can provide a educative function, especially character education for its readers. Therefore, this study aims to describe and explain the value of character education in the novel More Silence than a Whisper. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data obtained comes from the novel more silent than a whisper by Andina Dwifatma. The data source in this study is the primary data source in the from of the novel silent than a whisper by Andina Dwifatma. Secondary data sources are library data in the from of books, journals, articles, research that is considered relevant, and previous research. Data collection techniques in this study used content analysis techniques. The data analysis technique in this study is an interactive model analysis including: data reduction, and data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The conclusions obtained in the research on the thesis entitled Analysis of character education values, namely: 1) the value of hard work, 2) the value of discipline, 3) the value of religion, 4) the value of caring social, 5) the value of curiosity, 6) the value of fond of reading, 7) the value of tolerance, 8) the value of democracy, 9) the value of appreciating achievement, 10) the value of friendship/communicative.




