Pendidikan Anak Menurut Syaikh Muhammad Syakir dan Relevansinya dengan Tujuan Pendidikan di Indonesia


  • administrator administrator STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Rizki Mustikasari STKIP PGRI Ponorogo


Children Education, Shaykh Muhammad Syakir, Educational Goal


Currently, the role of parents has begun to shift. Parents have lost their function in education, unlike the function of parents in the past who were the first and foremost educators for their children. The displacement role of parents at this time is due to economic policies in modern times which now impose more stringent regulations on the division of specialized labor, so the duties and responsibilities of parents shift to fulfilling the family economy outside the home. Parents> time is used more for work and career. This paper reviews the relevancy of children’s education concept according to Shaykh Muhammad Syakir with education goals in Indonesia. This research is library research. The data collection technique uses literature data collection. According to Shaykh Muhammad Syakir, the concept of children’s education is very relevant to the education goals in Indonesia. This can be seen from three points of view, namely: (1) an intellectual point of view; (2) an ethical point of view; and (3) a spiritual point of view, more specifically regarding an ethical point of view which is the essence of Islamic teachings. The relevancy evidence of children’s education concept according to Shaykh Muhammad Syakir with the education goals in Indonesia is increasingly visible, with the culture of Indonesian society that still holds the religious teachings and customs of their ancestors, even this is still instilled from time to time through the learning process in Indonesia.




