Pemanfaatan Film Nussa Rara untuk Pengembangan Nilai Karakter Disiplin Anak Usia Dini


  • Sriyatin Sriyatin STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Rohmad Arkam STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Endang Lestari STKIP PGRI Ponorogo


Nussa Rara Film, Discipline Character Values, Early Childhood


This study aims to describe the form of disciplinary character value development using the film Nussa Rara in Permata Islamic Kindergarten, Miri Village, Kismantoro District. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. This study uses descriptive data in the form of words from people and behaviors that can be observed by researchers. The research subjects involved in this study were kindergarten children aged 4-5 years with a total of 8 students. This study uses observation and documentation as the data collection techniques. Based on the analysis of the research, the animated film Nussa Rara proved to be quite effective in developing the character of discipline in Islamic Kindergarten Permata, Miri Village, Kismantoro District. From a total of eight students in Ali Bin Abi Talib’s class, five students were on time to study, they looked very enthusiastic about going to school before learning activities began.




