Menumbuhkan Kreatifitas Anak Usia Dini Melalui Permainan Tebak Permen


  • Endang Lestari STKIP PGRI Ponorogo


Creativity, Game, Guessing Candy


The purpose of this study is to foster children’s creativity through guessing candy game in group A Wiyata Mandala Kindergarten, Sidorejo Village, Kebonsari District, Madiun Regency in 2020/2021. This type of research is classroom action research which involves a total of 26 students, 11 boys and 15 girls. This research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle was carried out in four stages, namely the planning, implementation, observation and reflection stages. Data were taken by observation. From the results of analysis, the obtained data from pre-cycle, cycle 1 to cycle 2. In the initial observation, the students’ creativity BM was categorized into (50%), MM (38%), BSH (11%) and BSB were 0. In the first cycle BM (27%), MM (35%), BSH (27%), BSB (11%). The first cycle of research was not successful because it has not achieved the expected results. Then continued tp the second cycle with the value of BM (0), MM (4%), BSH (11%), BSB (85%). In cycle II, it has achieved the expected goals and does not need to continue the next cycle. So, through candy guessing game, the children’s creativity in Group A TK Wiyata Mandala Sidorejo Kebonsari Madiun in 2020/2021 grows as expected




