Penanganan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an


  • Rohmad Arkam STKIP PGRI Ponorogo


Children with Special Needs, Handling, Qur’anic Perspective


Children are a great gift for their parents. Parents’ happiness will increase if the children are born normal, healthy, and develop as expected. In fact, there are some children who physically and psychologically different from other normal children. They need more services than children who grow normally. This article discusses the handling of children with special needs from the perspective of the Qur’an. Al-Qur’an as the main guideline for Muslims, has provided life guidelines on how to behave and act. Therefore, it is a necessity for Muslims, especially those who have children with special needs to explore and realize Islamic values dealing with children with special needs. The concept of the Qur’an for children with special needs provides clear directions for handling them, both preventively and curatively. The directions in the Al-Qur’an also include handling both physical and psychological, as follows by; (1) maintaining health, (2) not consuming alcohol and illegal drugs, (3) marrying someone who is not a close relative, (4) calling with a good name, and (5) providing equal social status as other children.




