Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bercerita Anak Usia Dini dengan Media Boneka Jari


  • Novaria Zulaicha Trisdiana STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Rohmad Arkam STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Rizki Mustikasari STKIP PGRI Ponorogo


Storytelling Ability, Finger Puppet Media


Language is one of important aspect for early childhood development. One of indicators in children’s language development is the ability to tell story. If can be stimulated by using finger puppet media. In addition, the application of finger puppet media can also optimize children’s language skill. This study was conducted to determine the improvement in the storytelling ability of group B students in Kindergarten Among Putro, Balerejo village, Kebonsari Madiun in 2021. The design of this research is Classroom Action Research. The data collection technique used is observation. And to test the research hypothesis, the data analysis technique used is the T-test. The sample used in this study is only one group, so the type of different test used is the Paired Sample T-test. The result of the Paired sample t test by comparing the significance of sig (2-tailed) with a significance of 0.05, in the first cycle the result of the value of sig (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.005 concluded that there was a significant difference before and after the action. While in the second cycle, the value of sig (2-tailed) was 0.000<0.005, it was concluded that there was a very significant difference in the first cycle and the second cycle. While the results of data analysis paired sample t test by comparing the value of t count with t table, the results of the t count value are greater than t table 9.390>1.8331, which means that there is a significant difference between the pre-cycle and the first cycle. T count is greater than t table 6.332>1.8331, which means that there is a very significsnt difference between cycle I and cycle II.




