Implikatur, Praanggapan dan Entailment pada Film Pendek Pak, Buk, Kulo Mantuk


  • Fatimah Dwi Indraswuri Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Wulan Oktaviani Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta



Pragmatics, Implicature, Presupposition, Entailment


Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that deals with speech acts. In a communication, it is certain that a conversation will occur. Pragmatics deals with meaning in context with the aim of being able to analyze from various points of view. Pragmatics also bridges the gap between language systems and their use. An utterance must be bound by context. The context referred to here is grammatized and codified so that it cannot be separated from the structure of the language. Implicature means something that is implied in a conversation or dialogue. In addition to implicatures, in the field of pragmatics there are also presuppositions. Presupposition is shared knowledge that is owned by speakers and interlocutors which is the background of a speech act. Entailment is something that logically exists or follows what is emphasized in the utterance. In this article the researcher will analyze whether there are implicatures, presuppositions and entailments in the short film "Pak, Buk, Kulo Mantuk". The purpose of this study is to find out how many utterances contain implicatures, presuppositions and entailments in the film. In researching the short film "Pak, Buk, Kulo Mantuk" the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method. The type of approach used is a pragmatic approach which discusses the scope of pragmatics namely implicature, presupposition, and etailment. The technique of collecting data is done by listening and taking notes. In the short film entitled "Pak, Buk, Kulo Mantuk" it was found that there were 5 utterances which included implicatures, 6 utterances which included presuppositions and only 2 utterances which included entailments.



How to Cite

Indraswuri, F. D., & Oktaviani, W. (2024). Implikatur, Praanggapan dan Entailment pada Film Pendek Pak, Buk, Kulo Mantuk. DIWANGKARA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Dan Budaya Jawa, 4(1).


