Pengejawantahan Relasi Cinta Romantik dalam Lagu Nemen: Analisis Semiotika C. S. Pierce
Cinta, Semiotika, LaguAbstract
Song is a form of popular literary work which contains typical elements of the writer such as background, self-expression and images of everyday life. This study uses a qualitative research approach with a literature review (library research). To study each part of the nemen song, the writer uses Charles Sander Pierce's semiotic method combined with Sternberg's theory of love which contains three elements, namely intimacy, passion and commitment. This research found that nemen songs depict the expression of love from the character to the lover so that the character is willing to do anything for the happiness of the lover. However, in the end the love relationship still ends. This song also contains the three elements of love from Sternberg's perspective which include intimacy, passion and commitment.