The Motherese Role in Language Acquisition Process of One–Word Stage for Fifteen Months Old: Psycholinguistics Study


  • Ninik Suprihatin STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Elys Rahayu Rohandia Misrohmawati STKIP PGRI Ponorogo

Kata Kunci:

Language Acquisition, One-Word Stage, Phonological Deviance, L1


The phonological deviances happen in children when they imitate the words or phrases spoken by the adults. The objectives of the research are: to describe the phonological structures and identify the motherese in child’s one-word stage language acquisition process at fifteen months old. This research design was conducted using qualitative descriptive by observation and interviews, then analyzed through several techniques, namely techniques of displaying and sorting data, reducing, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the subject produced several words in one-word stages and made mistakes in the phonological structure, namely the simplification consonant and harmony. The most dominant type of motherese is short sentences and simple structures and short and short vocabulary. Parent (caregiver) communication patterns and instructions towards children correlate with the process of producing the number of words.





