Error Analysis of Language Features in Recount Text
Errors Analysis, Language Features, Recount TextAbstract
Many errors of language features in recount text that made the students of SMPN 1 Kauman Ponorogo in academic year 2020/2021 in recount text. So, the research is done to know the errors in language features in recount specifically. The type of this research is qualitative research. The data collection was in form of 19 texts. The aim was to know the errors that students made. The result of this research is the errors in language features in recount text that mostly related to: tenses (past tenses), pronoun, and punctuation. The percentage of that errors are errors in tenses (past tenses) 39,62 %, error in using pronoun 11,32 %, and errors in using punctuation 49,06 %.