The Character Education Value of Aung San Suu Kyi Character in Film The Lady


  • Mulik Aturrohmah STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Rifa Suci Wulandari STKIP PGRI Ponorogo


Educational Values, Character Education, The Lady Film


Character education is the method to create the student’s personalities becoming a good human. Film as the education media was chosen by the teacher to teach character education. This study aims to describe the character education in the “Lady film” and explain its impact the education in general. The writer used qualitative approach, which the data from written or spoken words is descriptively analyzed. Data collection technique is document. Study data was collected by reading all The Lady movie script and watching the movie many times to understand the phenomenon. Then the researcher analyzed all of statement in the movie script and the cinematographic visualization in the movie. Technique of collecting data in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The researcher result showed that from 31 conversations, there were 2 of religious values, 4 of honest values, 1 tolerance value, ten of social cares values, 3 of discipline values, 2 of respect to the achievement values, seven value, two of love value, and two of responsible values. The impacts of the movie in education were (1) it gives an inspiration on how to be passionate on one’s ambition. (2) it can influence the students to aware their duty as a religious being. (3) it teaches the students to care for other students, teacher, and the society. Fourth, it teaches us to study hard and work seriously. In conclusion, people must imitate those values for themselves, society and state.





