Main Characters’ Personalities of Anita Desai’s in The Village by The Sea


  • Aminah STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
  • Syamsudin Ro'is STKIP PGRI Ponorogo


Literature, Psychology, Main Character


Literature is believed as societies’ imitation that usually becomes a media to learn social life in the society. This study focuses on the extrinsic elements, especially psychological aspect. Farther more, this study concerns on personalities and processes of selfactualization of main characters, Lila and Hari, in the novel The Village by the Sea by Anita Desai. The objectives of this study are to describe how the personalities and processes of self actualization of main characters in the novel. This study used descriptive qualitative library research. Moreover, the writer used documentary technique and content analysis technique. Using Freudian theory, this study indicated that each character had Id, Ego and Superego but only one of them which dominated on the character. Then, by using Maslow’s theory each character showed they had five basic needs to be fulfilled but sometimes not all of them fulfilled successfully because some problems happened in life.


2021-05-07 — Updated on 2021-05-07


